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Liberty Elementary

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

Athletic Programs

Liberty provides an interscholastic athletic program in which our teams compete with the other elementary schools in the district. The goals of our athletic program are: to teach and develop proficiency in the skills associated with each sport. To develop the personal discipline, commitment, and sportsmanship associated with being a member of a team. To recognize EXCELLENCE only comes through effort and the desire to be the BEST THAT YOU CAN BE.


This year, we are attempting to streamline the paperwork for sports participation. We are asking parents to fill out the form for permission to participate, regardless of the sport your child will be participating in.


You will only need to fill this out once for the entire year… HOORAY!

Please click on the link below and complete the forms as soon as possible.


Enroll by clicking here!


All students in the grades indicated are eligible to try out for the teams. Students who try out will be able to participate, except in football* where there is a minimum weight limit of 60 pounds and maximum weight limit of 144 pounds, both in uniform. All team participants are required to have accident insurance. This may be verified through a family policy or purchased through the school. A child will not be allowed to participate in any after-school sports programs or intramurals if they are not participating in PE due to a PE excuse.


The teams practice after school (2:50-3:50 p.m.) four afternoons per week until games begin (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday) with the games usually scheduled on Fridays. If there is enough interest to support "JV" teams, then those games will begin prior to the "Varsity" games. A game schedule will be sent home at the beginning of each season.


Please click on the link above and complete the forms as soon as possible.


For questions please contact our athletic director, Mr. Salmonson at

4th grade may participate in:

  • Cross Country
  • Wrestling
  • Track 

5th-6th grade may participate in:

  • Tackle Football -- Weight restrictions 60-144 lbs.
  • Boys or Girls Basketball
  • Boys or Girls Volleyball
  • Girls Softball
  • Boys Baseball
  • Cheerleading
  • Track
  • Cross Country 
  • Wrestling

Schedules and Code of Participation