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Liberty Elementary

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

Block L Award

Block L Award

The school plays an important role in preparing children to lead successful and happy lives.  This entails much more than merely teaching skills and imparting knowledge.  The school provides a wide range of experiences for children and a framework within which their attitudes toward themselves and their environment can take shape.  Students who assume a variety of responsibilities will be more apt to develop poise, self-confidence, a sense of personal responsibility, and a wide range of skills that are essential ingredients in exercising freedom of choice and decision-making as an adult. 

This is what the BLOCK L - SPARTHENIAN AWARD is all about.  The award has four functions.  First, it is a reward for self-motivated students.  Second, it is a blueprint for parents and students to use in planning, encouraging and setting goals in school activities and programs.  Third, it is a means of developing responsible, well-rounded individuals.  Fourth, it is a significant form of recognition for students who have met the criteria for the award.  Planning, responsibility, and commitment are the key factors in earning this award, not necessarily ability and talent.

The Block "L" Sparthenian Award is about goals.  It is the highest award that is offered to 5th and 6th grade students at Liberty Elementary School and presents a worthy challenge for students.  The recipients of this award truly exemplify the concept of the Clovis Sparthenian..." to be the best you can be".  The areas and activities in which students earn points have been grouped into the three domains: Mind, Body, and Spirit.  To earn the Block L - Sparthenian Award, a student must have earned points in each of these domains and have accrued the designated number of total points.  A score calculation sheet has been provided for your use in the appendix.